Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Uganda - Compassion International


I have been deeply moved by several bloggers that are traveling in Uganda with Compassion International. Their words and pictures have moved me like no other. This evening my husband and I talked about sponsoring a child. My heart breaks for these people that have so little but love Jesus so much!

I want my children to realize that tonight as they lay their heads down on their comfortable mattresses in their heated/cooled rooms amongst their possessions that halfway across the world there are children that have lost their parents to AIDS and have a 6 by 6 room that is their home. I want my children to be sensitive to their plight.

Below are a few of the blogs that I have been reading. Please be in prayer for this team as they are traveling and away from their families.

Carlos Whittaker
"Ragamuffinsoul" by Carlos Whittaker, innovative worship leader
Read Carlos' Blog.
"BooMama" from Sophie, author of this hilarious women's blog
Read Sophie's Blog
Anne Jackson
"Flowerdust.net" by Anne Jackson, who is a writer and serves on staff at LifeChurch.tv.
Read Anne's Blog
"Rocks in My Dryer" by Shannon, a 30-something stay-at-home mom, featured in Good Housekeeping
Read Shannon's Blog

Today my heart was pierced and anguished within me for the things that I take for granted. I have been in prayer for these bloggers as they are ministering with Compassion. My mother's heart has been very tender for two of the bloggers whose blogs I have read for over a year...Sophie aka Boomama and Shannon aka Rocks in My Dryer. Over the year they have made me cry, laugh hysterically, and have many aha moments....I know that they have been changed and through their writing I feel a whole gamut of women, moms, wives, friends, sisters will have their lives changed as well.

Take time to visit these blogs I have listed. If you would like to see all 16 blogs click here.

1 comment:

heidi @ ggip said...

We have been long time Compassion "parents" for two kids, one from India and one from the Dominican Republic. I am glad that you too are promoting this great organization on your blog.

I have a link to my Compassion post on my sidebar if you are ever interested.
