Monday, January 14, 2008

MPM - 1-14-08

The university I work at started the spring semester today so I have several weeks of not being able to leave for lunch and will be stuck on campus (due to terrible parking problems) so I will be busier than normal and not have that precious hour to go home and do things around the house and/or run errands. My menu is very sparse and quick this week.
Monday – Sweet and Sour Shrimp with Couscous, veggies and salad
(pre-cooked shrimp, defrost, add sweet and sour sauce, mix the shrimp into the couscous and viola! A quick an easy meal.

Tuesday – Crock Pot Enchiladas

Wednesday – eat at church

Thursday – Turkey Chili and cornbread (posted previously)

Friday – Homemade Pizza and Salad (I am going to use Crystal’s recipe)

Saturday – Zach’s birthday dinner out with friends

Sunday - Family celebration for Zach’s 15th birthday – meal of his choice
For more menu ideas see Laura at


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm lovin' this menu stuff on Mondays. Awesome, Vickie! Thanks for the ideas.

Vickie said...

Cindy, you are most welcome! Isn't it the neatest thing! I have gleaned so many great ideas from these wonderful women. I just never began to participate until I started my blog back up in November. It really keeps me on my toes and motivated. Have a great Monday!

Robin said...

Ok, I really would love to know what you guys REALLY eat. (The adults) Terry and I are really trying to change. It's hard with me being at work, but we'll get there. Terry has been mainly vegetarian for the past week or so...hummus and cucumber pitas for lunch etc. Dinner is a whole other issue! I did use organic beef in my organic spaghetti sauce yesterday though.

Baby steps! Thanks for such a great link!!!

Vickie said...

I will start putting down what my husband and I eat every day. We love hummus. If we did not have a Vitamix it would make my life very complicated. It was the best purchased I have made in years!

Girl, I hear you about work. It is a challenge but it can be done. We have a fridge in our office so I stock up on those steam and fresh veggies, veggie patties, etc. and bring them to work.

Have you tried the hummus at Sam's? The red roasted pepper hummus is AWESOME! I made hummus for the first time last week. It was good but something is missing and I can't figure it out.